Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014


Diposting oleh Unknown di 03.15

Member of Groups 10 :
Tiyas Yulianingsih      (1201200020)              as Nurse 2
Rizka Berti P.              (1201200023)              as Nurse 1
Ahmad Sholeh D.       (1201200028)              as Patient, Doctor, and Chief

Nurse 1            : Good morning, I am Ns. Berti who had duty in this room. Is it true that I am  with Mr. Adam?
Patient             : Yes I am.
Nurse 1            : This morning I will check the health state of your body, are you ready?
Patient             : Yes
Nurse 1            : So, how do you feel now?
Patient             : Pretty good, but I feel a little bit fever.
Nurse 1            : OK, Now let me check the temperature of your body.
                          Your body temperature is 38 degrees celsius. Is there any other complaints?
Patient             : Yes, I’ve got diarrhea 3 times per hour, I also feel nausea and vomiting.
Nurse 1            : Well, I will prepare the medicine and consult a doctor here. 
                           Later, Ns. Tiyas will give you a medication. OK.

(Then, Ns. Berti called Doctor via telephone)

Nurse 1            : Hallo, excuse me Doc. I am nurse who had duty in the room Melati. I have done the examination to patient’s Adam. His body temperature was 38 degrees Celsius, with a bowel complaint 3 times per hour, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
Doctor             : All right, give him paracetamol, neoentrostop, and anti-emetics. I will check his health state later.
Nurse 1            : Alright. I will prepare the medicine.  Thank you.

(Nurse Berti approach Chief to change of duties)
Nurse 1            : Excuse me. I am Ns. Berti, who had duty in the room Melati will be replaced
Ns. Tiyas. Nursing actions for patients Adam will be followed by Ns. Tiyas later.
Chief               : Well, what has been prepared for the patient's treatment plan?
Nurse 1            : Doctor  was prescribed paracetamol, neoentrostop, and anti-
Chief               : Well, you shall report to the Ns. Tiyas. OK

(Ns. Berti report Mr. Adam treatment plan to the Ns. Tiyas).

Nurse 2            : Excuse me, I am Ns. Tiyas will replace Ns. Berti, who served in the room Melati.
Chief               : Yes, we have a patient named Mr. Adam had who suffered diarrhea.
Ns. Berti has conducted the examination and treatment plan. You are assigned to deliver the paracetamol, neoentrostop and anti emetics.
Nurse 2            : Well, I will prepare. thank you

(And then Ns. Tiyas doing her job )
Nurse 2            : Excuse me, I am Ns. Tiyas who had duty in this room today. Are you Mr.
Patient             : Yes, I am
Nurse 2            : Now I will give you paracetamol, neoentrostop and antiemetic medication. Mr. Adam, take this medicine after you eat. You can take three times a day.
Patient             : Yes, thank you

Nurse 2            :  If there are other complaints, please look for me in the room nursing.
Thank you. Don't worry you'll recover soon. See you.

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